Winter skincare

Here in the land down under we are fortunate enough that we don’t suffer from the stereotypical winter. Winter does still take effect, but we still can’t wait for the warmer months to come around again. Since many of us are not used to cooler and dryer weather our skin sometimes doesn’t cope very well. We opt for heavier serums, balms, and oils during the colder months. Now it’s starting to warm up its time to adjust that all important skin care routine again.
When your skin is extra dry, we need to exfoliate to remove the dead skin and unblock pores. Use a gentle exfoliator rather than a harsh scrub. Using a harsh scrub or exfoliating too often can disrupt the skin’s protective barrier and leave you skin vulnerable especially for those who suffer from eczema. If your skin becomes vulnerable you may become prone to viral or bacterial infections. A formula with a small amount of glycolic acid will do the trick. However, for those who suffer from eczema this can be a chore to find a cleanser that will work for you. Some have found oatmeal bars work well as a gentle exfoliator.
Swap Moisturiser
During winter you would have been using something a little richer because you would have been feeling a little drier and itchier. Swap your moisturiser for something a little lighter. Try a water-based formula. Eczema suffers will also find picking a suitable moisturiser a bit of a chore as people who have eczema find that their skin doesn’t retain moisture very well and dry out easily even in the warmer months. If you have an eczema flare up you may have to use a cream or ointment prescribed by a doctor as soon as it presents itself or it can lead to trauma left by itching which can result in scarring and nobody wants that!
Here’s a few tips for moisturising if you’re an eczema suffer:
- Use fragrance free or dye free moisturisers
- To prevent contamination, use a clean implement to remove the moisturiser from its container rather than using your hands
- If the moisturiser feels ‘tacky’ do not remove the excess. It give it a few minutes to absorb into your skin
Don’t forget the SPF! Sun damage is a skin ager.
Drink water
You’ll be surprised at the amount of water you’ve been drinking during winter. Since it’s cooler we don’t feel the need to drink as much water. Hydration is very important for your skin. A nice little combination to drink if you want to feel fancy is water, cucumbers, lemon, and mint. This is a classic ‘spa’ water combo. The lemon and mint aid in digestion and the cucumber rehydrates as well as deliver autoinflammatory properties.
Clean your make up brushes
Are you sabotaging your skin? Can’t figure out why your skincare routine isn’t working as well as it should be. Don’t forget to pay attention to your cosmetic products. Make up brushes and sponges and build up some hard-to-reach grime and bacteria. Not matter how well you treat your skin if you’re apply your make up and cosmetics with make up brushes covered in bacteria; you’re fighting a losing battle. Use a gentle cleanser for wash your brushes and lay them flat to dry over 24 hours. Secret tip: use Johnson and Johnson’s Baby Shampoo – it’s natural, gentle and free of many other irritants that should potentially affect your skin.