Bros don't let bros go at it alone

Fit Guy on mobile

We all have men in our lives. Whether it be a brother, father, partner, colleague, friend, the list goes on. What if you lost them to something that was preventable? Would you take action? There are ways you can help them and ways that they can help themselves. Too many men are dying young.  

Be a Proactive Bro  

There are some simple things you can do for yourself and it’s not as hard as you may think. Spend time with people that make you feel good. Stay connected to your mates. Spending time with them is good you for you and for them. It gives them the opportunity to check up on you and you on themDon’t be afraid to talk to your friends. 48% of men say that they reply on their friends. Don’t be afraid to ask for help for yourself. You need to talk and to listen.  

At the age of 50, you need to talk to your doctor about prostate cancer whether or not you need a PSA test or not. If you are of African or Caribbean descent or have a brother or father with prostate cancer you should be having this conversation at the age of 45. Get to know your nuts. You may think it’s embarrassing or unnecessary but its normal to know what is normal for your testicles. If something doesn’t feel right go to your doctor.  

Be active. Add more activity to your day. Do what makes you feel good. Walk a little further than you would normally like parking your car further away from the shopping centre or take the stairs instead of the elevator.  

Stand By Your Man  

Keep an eye on them. Don’t turn a blind eye if you think something is not quite right. Around the world, the rate of male suicides is alarmingly high. 6 out of 10 suicides are men. Ask the question. Start by mentioning anything different you’ve noticed. Spending more time at the pub or coming into work late. “You haven’t been quite like your normal self lately? Are you okay?”. More often than not they’ll respond with ‘I’m fine’. Don’t be afraid to ask twice. Trust your instincts.  
Make sure you listen to them. Give them your full attention. You don’t have to be an expert or offer solutions or advice. Just let them know you’re all ears and will listen to them without judgementThis isn’t a solution, but you can recommend that they try and focus on the simple things to improve their well-being. Like getting enough sleep, being active or eating properly. If they have felt low for more than 2 weeks, suggest seeing a doctor. Suggest a catch up, preferably in person. Show them that you care. By doing this you can gauge as to whether or not they are starting to feel better. If you feel that their life may be in danger, go directly to emergency services.  

Winning the fight  

There are charities out there like Movember’ that have made it their mission to raise awareness for men’s health. Raising awareness of men’s mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. Their projects exist to help men lead happier, healthier, and longer lives. This can be achieved through education. Helping men and boys to stay mentally healthy, build strong social connections and, take action when times get tough. Helping them to feel more comfortable with conversations about the bigger things in life. Know what services that are out there that are designed for their needs in mind. Making those services and support accessible to those in the community. Finally, advocating for all men. Bringing up those all-important issues that are facing men to the higher powers where necessary to get things done.  

Did you know? 

Movember has funded since 2003 more than 1250 men’s health projects around the world.  

To find out more visit  

Random Fact  

The average male has 50% more muscle mass and 50% less body fat than the average female.