Does my bum look big in this?
Dietary fats are an essential energy source for your body. They support cell function, protect your organs, and keep your body warm. Fats also help absorb good nutrients into the body, which in turn boost your immunity.
Good fats
However, there must be an emphasis on the ‘healthy’ in healthy-fats. The source and quality of fat comes in four main forms: the good (polyunsaturated, monounsaturated) and the bad (saturated and trans). Good fats are beneficial for the heart, blood and cholesterol. Think fatty fish, avocados, almonds, and peanuts.
Bad, saturated fats
Bad fats on the other hand clog your arteries and increase your risk of disease. Small amounts of naturally occurring fats are okay - it’s the artificial fats to look out for. These raise bad cholesterol and create inflammation in the essential organs. Think commercial pastries, cookies, processed snacks and fried foods. Saturated fats sit somewhere towards the healthier side of the unhealthy cohort. While it’s fine to consume them, replacing them with alternatives can be better for your overall health. For instance, you can swap butter with olive oil.
Boost your weight loss journey
Eating a lot of fats (whether healthy or unhealthy) can contribute to weight gain because they are high in calories. Consider them a garnish. Lesser amounts still contain high levels of energy, which can aid your fitness regimen as well as digestion and weight loss.
Boost your weight loss journey and immunity at the same time by incorporating the right fats into your diet.