Preparing and nesting

Bringing a new life into the world is very exciting. In the weeks leading up to the birth you can start to feel scared and overwhelmed, especially if it’s your first child. What can help is to be organised and prepared. One question that new mums are often unsure about is what to bring to the hospital. Here are some tips on what to pack in your bag
Bring a few changes of clothes for yourself. Something comfortable, soft, and easy to breastfeed in if you plan to do so. A dressing gown and comfortable PJ’s are also handy if you’re spending a few nights in hospital. After birth you will be very tender and tired below (ice packs may be helpful here!). Large comfy underwear that will hold a pad are important. After giving birth you won’t feel like bending over to put on your shoes. A comfy pair of slip ons are preferable to shoes with laces, buckles or zips. Thongs are perfect here! Bring a few changes of clothing for bub. Onesie jumpsuits with long arms and legs (hospitals can get cold!), cotton singlets, and soft warm hats are recommended.
Leaky milk makers mean a wet mess, so breast pads are a post pregnancy essential. They will save many of your tops being stained with milk. Disposable nursing pads are simple to use, relatively cheap, and convenient, while reusable breast pads keep cost down, and have less of an environmental footprint. For breastfeeding mothers, nipple shields can protect your nipple from the probability of soreness and pain. If you are not comfortable using shields and prefer to feed baby directly from your nipple 100% pure lanolin creams help with sore/cracked nipples and is safe for your baby. It is also suggested that using your own breast milk and massaging it into your nipple regularly will help his from becoming an issue.
Bring along your toiletries like soap and toothbrush. Regardless of the way you deliver your baby, you’re likely to experience some vaginal bleeding for up to a few weeks post birth. Tampons and menstrual cups are not recommended for six weeks postpartum. You should pack a good maternity pad, with wings and extra length to help manage until your bleeding eases and you can transfer to a regular pad. A whole pack of newborn nappies and baby wipes. You’ll be surprised as to much stuff can come out of a little new human! Better to have too much than not enough. Don’t forget a good nappy rash barrier cream to protect your little one.
Keeping up your fluids is super important post-partum. Always have your water bottle filled up and by your side so that you don’t forget to have your required daily intake. Giving birth and breastfeeding requires an incredible amount of energy and burns through the calories. Make sure you have some snacks close by to keep your 4 blood sugar levels up.
Most importantly don’t forget to splash out on you in the last few weeks. Treat yourself! Book into the hairdresser, get those nails done, get a facial or even a massage. Enjoy the freedom and fulfilment these little luxuries bring. They will make you feel good and ready to embrace this exciting next chapter of your life.