Alive Pharmacy Warehouse & James Cook University Award for Excellence In Pharmacy

The Business Liaison Association Inc., in conjunction with science teachers in Far North Queensland, is offering a bursary for students interested in pursuing a career in Pharmacy.
The award is open to all Senior (Year 12) students in the Far North Region. The winner will be awarded a $1500 bursary, together with part time employment at one of the Alive Pharmacy Warehouse’s in Cairns to coincide with confirmed enrolment in Bachelor of Pharmacy at the James Cook University Cairns Campus for 2023. There will also be a runner up award. The runner up will be awarded a $1000 bursary, together with part time employment at one of the Alive Pharmacy Warehouse’s in Cairns to coincide with confirmed enrolment in Bachelor of Pharmacy at the James Cook University Cairns Campus for 2023.
- Students must have an (A) or (B) in the subjects of English, Math Methods (or equivalent) and Chemistry. These results would be based on the predicted Level of Achievement at the end of Year 12.
- Students must pursue a career in Pharmacy at James Cook University - Cairns. The student must have indicated on the QTAC form that they intend to do this course as their first or second preference and their school principal must verify this. To accept the scholarship, they must be accepted into James Cook Univeristy Bachelor of Pharmacy to begin in 2023.
- Students must submit a short essay (500 words typed) on why they want to study Pharmacy, and a copy of their most recent academic report card.
- The applicant must be from the FNQ Region and be able to attend work in our Cairns pharmacies.
- Each school will be invoiced for $88 (GST inc) to cover administrative costs of this award.
Please note the entries deadline has been extended. Applications are still welcome until the 25th of October.
A presentation function will be held at the Pullman Cairns International Hotel, Cairns from 5.30 pm - 7.30 pm, on 1 December 2022. Information about this event will be forwarded at a later date. Award recipients are required to attend in formal school uniform. We encourage you to participate and ask that you please adhere to the deadlines given in order to facilitate the co-ordination of these awards.
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