Prepare yourself and the community for winter - Managing Director Georgina Twomey

We’ve already nearly hit the end of May. The year is moving full steam ahead and the Pharmacy industry never stops. We are continuously working hard to push for the most efficient and effective practices for our customers. Needless to say, we want our community to have ready access to all the appropriate medicines they need.
In more general news, May is the final month of autumn, and as we approach winter, we are starting to feel the cooler weather. With this change, we may notice our skin start to dry out. To bring back moisture to the skin, a thicker moisturizer, such as a cream or a balm, rather than an oil or lotion, can help.
For people with respiratory concerns, breathing in cold air can aggravate their symptoms. Cold air tends to dry and irritate airways, which can be uncomfortable. Drinking lots of water and consuming warm liquids and foods can help. Generally, a vaporizer or humidifying device can be used to keep the air we breathe at the right humidity level. Breathing in through your nose also helps warm the air before it enters the lungs, easing some discomfort.
Ahead of winter, remember to get your flu vaccination. Last month, at the Anzac Day Dawn Service, it was great to see people come together to reflect and respect those who fought for our country. Times like this remind us of what it means to be Australian and of our community spirit. Getting a flu vaccination is much more than just protecting ourselves; it’s about protecting those in our community who are most vulnerable to disease, such as those with respiratory diseases, pregnant women, newborns, and the elderly. Please confirm booking times and availability at your local Alive Pharmacy or online via our booking system.
Another hot topic of the month is the substantial influence of social media platforms. For Pharmacy, it’s great that we can spread educational material quickly and efficiently to our patients. These platforms can also define our idea of beauty and fashion trends. On pages 14 and 15 of our May Live+, we discuss how TikTok trends have been influencing our beauty habits.
Lastly, are you excited about the Cairns Ironman 2023? Incredible amounts of training and event coordination go into this event, and we are very much looking forward to it. Endura Rehydration is always a hit during this time: the combination of carbs, electrolytes, and proteins help conserve muscle mass and provide extra fuel before, during, and after a race. Good luck to those participating; we will be there on the sidelines cheering you on!
Remember to look out for others and have a healthy happy winter.
Managing Director - G